Live Nativity


A Life Changing Story….

Looking for a new way to do our annual Children's Christmas play, in 2015, Antioch decided to put on an outdoor Live Nativity program. Complete with a wooden stable, live animals, shepherds, and angels, the familiar story unfolds scene by scene. Through the actors, narration, and music, the great miracle and promise of Jesus's birth is told. It is our prayer that the hearts & lives of all will be touched & reminded that the greatest gift we have ever received is Jesus Christ, God's son, and our Lord and Savior.

A night to remember…

Come enjoy coffee and a hot chocolate bar with all the fixings as you watch God's great story. Bring your lawn chair and blanket, then be sure to stay afterwards for finger foods, fellowship, and a special visitor for the kids.

Sharing the story to the community…

Antioch Church also performs a shortened version for the city of Adel in most years — providing our community another opportunity to see and hear this wonderful story of our Savior’s birth.