Advent / Christmas

Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and they shall call his name Immanuel

— Isaiah 7:14


Advent / Christmas

  • Advent

    Advent Season is a very special time of preparation and anticipation of the coming of Jesus. While this points us to Jesus’s birth — it also points to His coming return. As we light our advent candles and enjoy meaningful readings from our members each week, our eyes are always on our Lord and Savior!

  • Hanging of the Greens

    The Hanging of the Greens is a fun time for all ages as we decorate the church for the Advent and Christmas season, including our beautiful Chrismon tree. Fellowship and food are sure to be found!

  • Caroling

    Each year, our Choir as well as any others who desire join in singing carols to shut-ins and those who need a bit of extra cheer. This is a wonderful blessing for both the singers and those we visit!

  • Live Nativity

    The Live Nativity has become a wonderful tradition of Antioch Church. See the page in the Connect menu above for more information on this meaningful production.

  • Christmas Eve Service

    Antioch Church gathers each Christmas Eve for a brief service to gather, sing and worship together, hear the Word and take communion.

  • Christmas Day Service

    While Antioch traditionally does not have a service on Christmas Day, we relish those years where Christmas comes on Sunday for a special Christmas service!