Children & Youth

Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old, he will not depart from it. —Proverbs 22:6


Youth (Grades 6-12)

As our children grow & mature, so should their faith. Recognizing the importance of keeping them active and engaged, while creating a true desire for Christ, is the main goal of the Antioch Youth group.

Open to anyone in grades 6 through 12, these teenagers learn how to apply God's word to their lives, while faithfully serving & loving others. They are also forming strong bonds & friendships that will last a lifetime.

Under the awesome leadership of our youth director, Matt Holley, our youth will meet every Wednesday night at 6:00 pm for supper, lessons, games & activities, as well as monthly community mission projects & fun outings.

We have recently expanded and updated our youth room, focusing on more contemporary style praise and worship, while keeping God & our role as His disciples at the at the center of it all.  God is truly at work and doing great things in our youth group at Antioch, so what are you waiting for? Come join us!

Contact Matt Holley for more information: (912) 682-9691.

Kids Club (Pre-K - 5th)

Teaching God's word, sharing God's love, & building Godly character has been the mission of Antioch's Kid's Club for the past 23 years. Designed for ages Pre-K - 5th grade, the lessons are fun & engaging, allowing kids to see the great things they can do for God, no matter what their age is.

Led by the amazing and talented leadership of Courtney Holley, Kid's Club will begin meeting every Wednesday night from 6:00-7:30, starting in August and going through April. Supper is served at 6:00, followed by a lesson time which includes singing, games, science & crafts. We also take field trips once a month as they relate to our lessons and even get a visit from our Faith Dog, Rovercomer.

Our main goal is to share God's word with the children in a fun and exciting way, while helping them grow into true disciples of Christ.

Contact Courtney Holley for more information: (912) 230-6084.

Children’s Church

(4 years old — 3rd)

Another way we include the children in our morning worship service is by offering Children's Church to all kids ages 4 years old through 3rd grade. This ministry allows the kids to come worship and learn about God in a separate room during the time of our regular church sermon, and to do so on a level they can relate to and understand.

Nursery (up to 4 years old)

In order to better serve the needs of our church, Antioch provides a nursery for the convenience of our members and guests during our worship services and other church activities.

All children, ages newborn up to 4 years are welcome in our nursery. With weekly Bible story readings, as well as lots of toys, books, and personal attention, each child has the opportunity to hear God's word, play, and learn in a fun and safe setting.

Come see our renovated and enlarged nursery which offers plenty of space for the children to play and explore!