It began with a seed…

From the humble beginnings of a brush arbor in 1874, a story has evolved that speaks of great love and faithfulness.

From the humble beginnings of a brush arbor in 1874, a story has evolved that speaks of great love and faithfulness.

The Rev. P. S. Twitty became the first pastor in a long line of preachers to share God's word to the followers at Antioch, and from such small beginnings came our legacy as a log cabin, and later, a framed building with educational space, was constructed.

Preparing for God’s harvest….

Then, in 2002, under the leadership of Rev. Randy Mosley, Antioch took another step forward and built a new, spacious sanctuary that now seats 300 worshippers, along with a new kitchen, library, and Sunday School wing.

Through God's grace and faithfulness, this new construction was completely paid for in three years and a special Note Burning Service was held on May 29, 2005. A message titled "Build Our House Upon the Rock" was given, along with a moving testimony about the great influence Antioch has had in the lives of its members.

A greater harvest to come…

Just as seeds are planted and receive the life-giving nutrients from the ground, Jesus Christ's resurrection provided hope & life to a small number of people in our area many years ago. Throughout our history, many seeds have been planted and much fruit has been harvested from our labors.

But we are not finished yet…

For an even greater harvest is still to come. Our spiritual legacy has provided us a firm foundation to build upon. It is this very hope and life that has been shared over many generations, and continues to this day to witness the awesome power and love of Christ to our special community.

We invite you to come just as you are and discover the beauty of God's love and the great things He has to offer. Come, be a part of this great church and continue the story God has written for us. It is one of faith, love, and service, empowered by the Holy Spirit and given to the glory of God through His Son Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.