Make a Difference

As the perfect example of what it means to give generously, Jesus gave His all on the cross of Calvary.  His life was a true picture of unselfish giving:  He healed, He provided, He loved, and He forgave, all to share God's love with everyone and bring His Kingdom here on earth.

We are all called to follow Jesus' example and to continue His work of love.  The church is such an important instrument in doing this, and it is through the many programs and ministries we offer that Antioch is able to continue to share God's word and His love with others.  However, none of this would be possible without the generosity of your gifts, tithes, and offerings. In Proverbs 3:9, we are reminded to, "Honor the Lord with thy substance, and with the first fruits of all thine increase."  God has so richly blessed us all, not for our glory, but for His, so that we may in turn be a blessing to others.

At Antioch, we encourage everyone to pray about giving, and to give as God leads you.  Any gifts, tithes, offerings, or donations can be made as follows

  1. Cash or check, mailed to: Antioch Church, c/o Ash Mead, Treasurer, 4564 Antioch Road, Adel, GA, 31620, or by

  2. Electronic check, automatic bank draft, credit, or debit card by selecting the DONATE TO ANTIOCH CHURCH button below.

We thank you for your generosity and continued support!