Lent & Easter Seasons

He is not here! He has risen! — Matthew 28:6a


He is risen! He is risen, indeed!

Every Spring is a wonderful season of the church. Beginning with the somber Ash Wednesday service that kicks off the period of Lent, the Palm / Passion Sunday Service which features a live donkey and a remembrance of Jesus’s triumphant entry into Jerusalem and His suffering walk to the Cross, the Maundy Thursday Service during Holy Week which takes us back to the night before that fateful moment at Calvary, and culminating in our Easter Sunday Service that celebrates our risen Lord and begins the Easter season of reflection and growth in our relationship with Jesus.

  • Ash Wednesday & Lent

    Antioch’s Ash Wednesday service on the first day of Lent is a somber service as we remember the consequences of sin that leads to death, the need for repentance, and look forward to Easter in the weeks ahead. Remembering our return to dust and need for repentance, we receive the imposition of ashes on the forehead.

  • Palm / Passion Sunday

    Every year on Palm Sunday, our children participate in the morning worship service with the waving of palm branches & shouts of “Hosanna” as they march in a procession around the sanctuary. Dressed in Biblical attire & sometimes even accompanied by a real donkey, the children bring to life the excitement & joy of that special day.

  • Maundy Thursday

    During the Holy Week, Antioch traditionally holds a Maundy Thursday service — a somber and deeply meaningful time of reflection on the last hours of Jesus before the road to Golgotha and the cross. Communion is offered and the service concluded with the stripping of the altar.

  • Easter Egg Hunt

    Every year on the Saturday before Easter, Antioch hosts our annual Easter Egg Hunt for all kids ages 3 & up. Held at the church, the children are divided into age groups & they hunt eggs. Afterwards, our men's group provides grilled hamburgers and hot dogs, and everyone brings something to go with it for a wonderful meal and time of fellowship.

  • Easter Sunday

    Easter Sunday at Antioch Church is always a wonderful and joyful event. Whether held in our sanctuary or out on the front steps or under the oak trees, we celebrate the resurrection of our Savior, Jesus Christ. Join us!

  • Easter Season

    Easter is not just a day! Easter is a season. This is a joyous thing because the resurrection is worthy of so much more than one day of celebration! Easter lasts a total of 50 days, and we continue in our observance and reflection on this most amazing event in the history of humanity.